perfection is not the path to happiness

“Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. I didn’t have to become perfect because I’ve learned throughout my journey that perfection is the enemy of greatness.” – Janelle Monae

A hidden belief is a thought that sits undetected, deep in your inner world, and it has a powerful influence over your actions until you become aware of it. Hidden beliefs muddy our intentions, create patterns in our lives that we don't want, and make life decisions confusing and stressful.

For a long time, I had the hidden belief that perfection is the path to happiness. I never said these exact words, but I lived my life under this perception. It was one of many stories I told myself that kept me from feeling free.

perfection is the enemy of greatness

Let's say perfection is this vision of our lives that we create, a story we tell ourselves about the way things are supposed to be. My idea of 'the perfect life' is surely quite different from yours, but it's all based on wanting things to go our way. When we seek perfection, we are creating an image that makes us feel in control.

With perfection as my goal, if life wasn't bending to my will, then I believed I was doing something wrong, therefore I wasn't perfect, and I wasn't happy.

Brianna Wiest, author of The Mountain is You says, "We try to avoid feeling broken by chasing perfection and yet the very pursuit of perfection leaves us always feeling broken." In my experience, chasing perfection created a pattern of constantly performing and seeking approval. Life was about avoiding embarrassment, not embracing my truth.

My truth was messy and full of unknowns, and perfection was people-pleasing and predictable. I was practiced at saying the nice thing instead of the real thing. I was practiced at making others comfortable at my own expense. I knew how to assess a situation, create a mold and squeeze myself into it.

As long as I carried this hidden belief that I had to pretend and perform to survive, I would not give myself permission to explore my higher instincts. This is one way that hidden beliefs create patterns that we don't want and block us from our higher potential.

alignment > perfection

We are not here to materialize a specific vision from our heads of how life should go, with everything working out to our specifications. There's no room for magic in that. There's no mystery or discovery or awe. As a spiritual person, I believe that my calling is to be open and grateful and make myself a willing vessel for the life force inside of me to express itself. Any vision that I can imagine is only a clue into the journey that this inner source can guide me through if I'm willing to surrender to who I truly am, lean into my natural gifts and show up as my true self no matter the situation.

My spirituality is my center; it's my clarity and my path home to myself. My higher self knows I am not here to be perfect; I am here to grow and become. I am here to have experiences and gather wisdom. I believe in the power of aligning your heart, mind, and soul and your thoughts, words, and actions. This alignment creates the feeling of flow and happiness that I once thought would come from meeting some standard of perfection.

Believing that perfection will bring you happiness is one of many hidden beliefs that we must release so we can embrace this life experience and start showing up exactly as we are. What stories are you telling yourself that keep you from feeling free?

What is your center? What truths bring you home to yourself?